Providing You With Evidence-Based Best Practices Services
Individual and Group Therapy
We specialize in working with children, adolescents, adults, and families in parent-child dynamics. Healing symptoms of complex posttraumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) and PTSD, including mood and dissociative disorders, are integrated specialty areas at Lily Anderson LLC.

Consultation and Instruction
Lily Anderson LLC offers EMDR consultation services from an EMDRIA Approved Consultant for those who are EMDR Trained and looking to be EMDR Certified or just wanting to increase their EMDR competency and confidence.
Our Mission
To heal and transform the lives of individuals and families within communities and global platforms, through mental health therapy, consultation, and instruction.

Experience and Professionalism
With years of experience in social work and other healing professions, we are dedicated to using the best practices available in therapeutic services, consultation, and instruction.